Ens van unir les ferides i els comiats. Tu volies superar el dol, jo volia tornar a riure. Una tarde plujosa i ombrívola, ho recordo bé. Les gotes d'aigua en el teu rostre ocultaven molt bé les teves llàgrimes, i la pròpia pluja era el plor del meu cor. No ens vam dir res, ni tan sols una sola paraula, simplement ens vam abraçar. Ens vam oblidar de la vida, del que succeiria. Deixem de pensar per un moment, un moment que es va convertir en una eternitat. Tots dos perseguíem un somni, un somni que es va escapar. I no sabíem si continuar o acceptar la nova veritat. Teníem por, això era. Sempre ho vam tenir. No volíem patir de nou i, per això, evitàvem parlar.
• • •
The wounds and the goodbyes brought us together. You wanted to stop mourning, I wanted to laugh again. It was a gloomy rainy evening, I remember it well. The water droplets on your face covered up your tears, and the rain itself was the weeping of my heart. We didn't say anything, not even a single word, just hugged each other. We forgot about life, about what would happen. We stopped thinking for a while, a moment that became an eternity. Both of us were chasing a dream. A dream that has escaped. And we didn't know whether to continue or accept the new truth. We were afraid, that was. We always were. We didn't want to suffer again, and so we avoided to talk.
4 comentarios:
M'agrada :)
Stay away from words, and mourn in the rain is the best way of believe that this pain is just a nightmare.
It's just an unfathomable nightmare from which we must awake, sooner or later, or at least change it into a better dream. But let's never forget words: we are who we are because of the words we know, the words we learn and the words we love… and all of them have a secret life.
Especially, the loved words, and its secret life.
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